Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

‘Where do I turn?’: Moncton parents speak out about incident at local daycare

Parents are speaking out about the investigation into an incident at a Moncton daycare that cost four staff members their jobs.

The reaction comes as the probe is about to enter a new phase.

Lindsay O’Blenis’ three-year-old son Connor lives with autism and has delayed speech. He’s been attending Moncton Headstart since early January.

O’Blenis said she learned of an alleged incident through the media, and not from Headstart. She’ll be keeping him home until she gets some answers.

“My son can’t come home and tell me how his day was,” O’Blenis began. “(Connor) can’t come home and tell me if something went wrong or if something was good. Anything about his day, he cannot communicate. So I have to trust 100% that what’s happening at Headstart is safe and happy and wholesome for him.”

Headstart officials confirmed at a Thursday news conference three teachers and one aide had been “terminated” after an incident May 22, related to what it called, “child guidance.”

The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development began investigating, but that’s about to change.

“On Monday, the Department of Social Development will take over the investigation on the file and then it will be up to social development and the police to decide whether to move ahead with any charges,” said Education and Early Childhood Development Minister Dominic Cardy, speaking at the legislature in Fredericton.

Moncton Headstart released a statement this afternoon acknowledging questions from the public and media about the incident, but still offered no details on it. It also promised an update to parents on Monday.

O’Blenis said her family had enjoyed Headstart up to this point, but said she’s not sure if she will be comfortable sending Connor back.

“As an autistic child, he needs his routine and his structure,” she said. “It’s a big part of his day. (Headstart is) the only support he’s currently receiving for his speech delays.

“So now, where do I turn? What do I do?”

An RCMP spokesperson confirmed late Friday it had not yet received any complaints about the incident.

Source: Read Full Article

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