Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

Vote to decide CAA Saskatchewan’s worst roads looking for contenders

CAA Saskatchewan has launched its online vote to identify the province’s top 10 worst roads of 2019.

People can nominate the worst municipal or provincial roads they have travelled on during the seventh annual campaign that started on Wednesday.


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The campaign was created in 2013 to ask as many road users as possible to identify and vote for roads that are a safety concern to them and others.

Worst roads can have any number of flaws including: cracks, crumbling pavement, potholes, poor signage, traffic congestion, or a lack of walking infrastructure.

Saskatchewan has over 228,000 kilometres of roads, more than any other province, according to CAA.

High Street West in Moose Jaw took the top spot in the 2018 CAA Worst Roads campaign. A total of 1,782 votes were received between April 16 and May 6, 2018.

Motorists, cyclists, motorcyclists or pedestrians can cast their votes until May 8. One vote per road per email is allowed every 24 hours.

This year’s top 10 list will be unveiled on May 9 and shared with government officials.

Source: Read Full Article

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