Monday, 1 Jul 2024

US election 2020: Joe Biden leads Donald Trump by 15% in new poll as voters lose faith in president’s handling of economy

Donald Trump’s hopes of being re-elected in November appear to have been dealt a major blow after his Democrat challenger Joe Biden opened up a 15% lead in a new national opinion poll.

To make matters worse for the US president, the data suggests voters are losing faith in his handling of the economy, which Mr Trump has long seen as his key to winning a second term.

More than half (52%) of the 1,273 voters surveyed by Quinnipiac University between 9 July and 13 July said they would support Mr Biden in the presidential election, with 37% saying they would back Mr Trump.

The university’s poll last month had the split at a slightly narrower 49% to 41% in Mr Biden’s favour.

On the day the president replaced his campaign manager, it emerged the US public seem to be questioning whether he is the best candidate to manage the economy.

Again, more than half (53%) of those surveyed by Quinnipiac University said they disapproved of his performance on that front – compared to 44% who backed him.

The month before, his efforts were supported by 52% against 45%.

But there was better news for Mr Trump regarding his handling of the economy in another poll released on Thursday.

An NBC/Wall Street Journal (WSJ) survey found that 54% of registered voters still approved of his work on the economy against 42% who disapprove.

It was all grim reading for Mr Trump in the Quinnipiac poll, however, which also found 60% of voters are unhappy with the overall job the president is doing, against 35% who approve.

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