Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Trudeau mum on whether seniors will get coronavirus financial support

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is saying little on whether Canadian seniors will get financial support to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

The federal government has rolled out hundreds of billions of dollars worth of wage subsidies for businesses, tax deferrals, worker benefits, loans and cash for students and youth volunteers over the last two months. It’s all part of the emergency response to the coronavirus and the economic shutdown implemented to try to control its spread through the population.

Trudeau said late last month the government would provide more funding for seniors but has so far announced only $9 million through United Way Canada for things like grocery delivery and outreach.

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During a daily briefing from Rideau Cottage on Monday, Trudeau was asked by a journalist when more help would arrive for seniors. He said while some measures are coming, the priority was on helping other groups of Canadians first.

Trudeau added that any further supports will focus on low-income seniors.

“Seniors are also facing a tremendous level of vulnerability because of COVID-19,” he said, pointing to things like health vulnerabilities and lack of access to regular services.

“We have moved forward on a number of things to ensure that they get supports, but we’re also looking at further supports specifically for the most vulnerable low-income seniors who are truly challenged.”

Those measures will be coming “soon,” he said.

More to come.

Source: Read Full Article

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