Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

Trucker convoy circle US Capitol in protest of Covid vaccine mandates

Organizers of the ‘People’s Convoy,’ the trucker convoy gathering in DC to protest the government’s handling of the pandemic, met with Republican leaders to voice complaints over workplace vaccine mandates and other measures to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

Several organizers met with Republican Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin at the Capitol on Tuesday, on the group’s third day of circling the Beltway, an Interstate that circles DC.

Brian Brase, a 37-year-old truck driver from northwest Ohio leading the effort, and other organizers spoke with the senators about their 2,500 mile journey to the Capitol region, according to The Washington Post.

Vehicles with the People’s Convoy have looped the Beltway since Sunday, driving slowly to attempt to impact traffic and prove a point to lawmakers. It’s unclear how many vehicles are partaking in the convoy, but no major traffic disruptions have been reported as a result of their efforts.

Tuesday’s meetings had no clear resolution— but organizers say they’re pleased with just getting into the room to meet with the senators.

‘I got what I was hoping for. I got two respectful members of the Senate here,’ Brase said following the meeting. ‘And I got all the media to come in this room and start covering it. That’s a win for me. That’s a win for the People’s Convoy.’

Despite the small victory, the People’s Convoy has no plan to head back home.

‘We’re not going anywhere,’ Brase told reporters after the meeting.

‘We’re going to keep looping the beltway until we’re heard,’ he said.

The group remains firm in their position, and says they will continue the protest until vaccine mandates for health workers, federal employees and military personnel are eliminated.

Convoy protestors are also calling for an end to the national emergency declaration in response to the pandemic, which was first issued by former President Donald Trump and later extended by President Joe Biden. They also are asking for Congress to hold hearings investigating the government’s response to the pandemic.

The People’s Convoy follows similar tactics used by cross-border truckers in Canada, who protested vaccine requirements to cross the Canadian border for weeks.

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