Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Trent Valley Lodge Nursing Home ‘goes above and beyond’ for residents during pandemic

While several long-term care homes across the province have been experiencing outbreaks of COVID-19, the staff at the Trent Valley Lodge in Trenton, Ont., are going out of their way to keep their residents in good spirits while in isolation.

Liz Willott’s 97-year-old mother Audrey Arbuckle has lived at the Trent Valley Lodge for almost five years now, but during her time there her daughter never expected that a global pandemic would be on the horizon.

But despite fears of a COVID-19 outbreak, Willott says she’s not worried, since the residence has managed to be completely free of  cases.

“They go above and beyond to make sure the residents are happy, healthy and then they go beyond that in communicating it to the family,” she said of the lodge’s staff.

Through video and photos posted on their Facebook page, Willott says she is able to see her mother almost daily now. “Her eyes light up… it warms my hear to see that.”

“We try to incorporate things that are fun for the residents and the staff,” said Kelly Lee-Ross, an administrator at the residence.

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“We know that residents are missing their families, it is an extremely tough time for everybody so we are trying to do everything we possibly can to put a smile on their face,”

Lee-Ross and her fellow co-workers are working tirelessly to keep 102 residents entertained daily.

“We’re really trying to celebrate things like Cinco De Mayo… we did backwards clothes day, we like to make sure that they’re having fun,” said Sarah Magdill, who helps organize the activities for their residents.

But no one appreciates their hard work more than the residents themselves and of course the families who are relying so heavily on the staff during an unprecedented time.

“Its a challenge and they’ve gone beyond meeting that challenge in many ways,” said Willott.

There’s no question that the long term care staff’s job isn’t easy but the staff at this residence believe it is well worth it.

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