This Summer: Celebrate Pride!
We hope you’ve been resting up because this weekend is going to be a fun one. Four million people are expected to arrive in the city we call home. And they are coming to celebrate. Could there be a better kind of guest?
For WorldPride and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall rebellion, we’ve rounded up the biggest events, as well as myriad ways to celebrate, in this special edition. Tell us if we hit the mark at [email protected].
Have fun this weekend,
Your Summer team
The Big Events on Sunday
• Watch the Pride March. The best way to do so: Rise early, and find a spot along the parade’s path on Fifth or Seventh Avenue, the wider thoroughfares on the route.
• Or watch the Queer Liberation March, which is modeled after the first gay rights parade that followed the 1969 police raid at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan. This march, which will be more sober protest than flashy show, kicks off at the Stonewall Inn and will head up Sixth Avenue to Central Park for a rally on the Great Lawn.
• Stop by Times Square (yes, yes, we know) to attend the WorldPride closing ceremony, which stars Melissa Etheridge and the cast of “The Prom.” The event is free, but you must register in advance.
More Ways to Celebrate
If you want to move …
• Attend a dance party. Options abound.
• Hit the pavement. The annual New York L.G.B.T. Pride Run started in 1982 with 440 runners. This year, even more runners can participate in a bid to establish a new Guinness World Record for a charity run.
If you want to connect with history …
• Take a walking tour of 11 landmarks in gay New York. Our audio-guided Pride walk takes you to important locations in L.G.B.T.Q. history and tells you stories about the gay New Yorkers, icons and activists who lived and worked at each stop.
• Get a drink at one of New York City’s historic gay bars. Remember: The Stonewall Inn isn’t the only one.
• Peruse two exhibitions — “By the Force of Our Presence: Highlights from the Lesbian Herstory Archives” and “Say It Loud, Out and Proud: Fifty Years of Pride” — at the New-York Historical Society. Admission: $13 to $21.
If you want to eat …
• Sashay your way to drag brunch at Oscar Wilde, an antique-filled bar named for the Victorian Irish writer put on trial for his homosexuality.
• Treat yourself to a five-course dinner and a showcase of L.G.B.T. chefs’ stories at PrideTable. Tickets are $169; proceeds support arts and cultural training at the Hetrick-Martin Institute.
If you want to admire art …
• Check out the more than 50 murals in all five boroughs of New York City that mark the half-century since the Stonewall uprising.
• Catch a movie. Many of the city’s repertory movie theaters have assembled special programs for the occasion, from a revival of “The Queen” (IFC Center) to a series that looks at queer cinema before and after Stonewall (Museum of the Moving Image).
• Head to the theater. “A Strange Loop,” “Stonewall” and, of course, “The Cher Show” are among the offerings.
If you can’t make it to any (or quite as many) festivities as you had hoped …
• Live vicariously through the photos. The New York Times has been covering Pride events throughout the city all month, and we wager that scenes from the final week will be some of the strongest.
• Watch “Paris is Burning” on Netflix.
And finally, if you want to get around the city but the subways are slammed …
• Shh, but try the PATH train, which more or less runs along the F line, from Christopher Street up to 33rd Street.
Visit to see more New York Times coverage of Pride happenings, as well as L.B.G.T.Q. history and culture.
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