Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for Covid

Justice Brett Kavanaugh has contacted the coronavirus despite being fully vaccinated, the Supreme Court disclosed on Friday morning.

Kavanaugh, 56, tested positive on Thursday night while taking a routine coronavirus test before attending Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s investiture ceremony on Friday, the high court said in a statement.

Out of precaution, he and his wife Ashley will not attend the ceremony, which had been postponed from October 2020 due to the pandemic.

‘He has no symptoms and has been fully vaccinated since January,’ the court said in a statement.

His diagnosis means he might not be on the bench on Monday, which is the first day of the new term.

He had tested negative for Covid-19 on Monday, as had the other eight justices, before a closed-door meeting.

Kavanaugh was seen at the Capitol on Thursday night wearing a face mask and surrounded by his security detail.

‘Justice Kavanaugh’s wife and daughters are also fully vaccinated, and they tested negative on Thursday,’ the court stated.

Barrett tested positive for Covid-19 last summer and felt ‘a little under the weather but recovered’, according to CNN.

Breaking story, check back for updates…

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