Sunday, 9 Mar 2025

Report: FBI used red flag law to seize guns from ex-Marine who allegedly vowed to ‘slaughter’ antifa

The FBI used Oregon’s new “red flag” law to seize guns from a former Marine who allegedly threatened to “slaughter” antifa demonstrators at a Portland rally earlier this month, The Oregonian reported Friday.

The statute allows law enforcement to take proactive action to stop violence before any crime has been committed. Such laws are being advanced in various states as a way to begin to deal more effectively with America’s burgeoning mass shooting toll.

Former Marine Shane Kohfield — in a red MAGA hat with a knife strapped to his shoulder at the time — allegedly made the threat on a loudspeaker outside the home of Portland’s mayor in July. 

Within days agents seized Kohfield’s weapons. They relied on the red flag law that went into effect early this year that allowed them to temporarily take possession of the guns even though Kohfield hadn’t committed a crime, the newspaper reported. The statute allows law enforcement, family members or roommates to petition a judge for an “extreme risk protection order” that bars a targeted individual from gun possession.

Phil Lemman, Oregon’s acting deputy state court administrator, said Kohfield surrendered five guns, including an AR-15.

Kohfield, who served two tours of duty in Iran, was also taken to a veterans hospital in Portland, where he spent 20 days. He was not charged with a crime — but he was also not allowed to attend the August demonstration staged by the white nationalist Proud Boys, which drew antifa counter-protesters.

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