Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

RCMP sending divers to Gillam, Man., to aid search for B.C. murder suspects

The RCMP is sending divers to Gillam, Man., as the nationwide manhunt for the suspects in three B.C. homicides continues.

The police force said in a statement that its underwater recovery team will be arriving in the small northern Manitoba town on Saturday night.

Gillam, about 1,000 km north of Winnipeg, is where Bryer Schemegelsky and Kam McLeod were last seen on July 22.

Schmegelsky and McLeod have been charged with second-degree murder in the death of Vancouver man Leonard Dyck. They are also suspects in the shooting deaths of Australian Lucas Fowler and Chynna Deese of North Carolina.

Police said specially trained officers would be searching a section of the Nelson River. They did not say what, if any, information spurred the decision.

On Thursday, the RCMP announced it was partially withdrawing from search efforts in Gillam after officers combed through the rough wilderness for more than a week without finding the two young men.

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