Sunday, 6 Oct 2024

Parents outraged after high school serves outrageous lunch to students

A Mississippi high school is under fire after it served a questionable lunch to its students, WHBQ reports. 

A photo of the meal at Byhalia High School shows a single slice of cheese on top of several chips. It has since gone viral and sparked anger from a number of parents and local residents. 

Photo: WHBQ via social media

“Looks like something you would throw together, to me,” Marcell Leverson, a local, said. “I wouldn’t have eaten it.”

When asked about the food, the school told the station that it stood by the lunch, claiming that it had followed a recipe. Many in the community, however, were skeptical. 

“No, they didn’t use a recipe,” said Johnny Harris, another local. “They just went to the store, grabbed some bologna and cheese and put it together.”

While the school admitted that the meal would have looked better with shredded cheese, superintendent Lela Hale claimed that the lunch had just the right amount of dairy, beef and grain to make it nutritious. 

Still, one parent, who was not identified, was stunned. 

“I couldn’t believe they were feeding that to our kids,” the parent said. 

Source: Read Full Article

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