Saturday, 5 Oct 2024

Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse denies murdering Black Lives Matter protesters

A 17 year-old boy has denied killing two men at a Black Lives Matter protest sparked by the police shooting of a black man.

Kyle Rittenhouse, who has turned 18 since the shootings, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday afternoon to the August 2020 killings of Anthony Huber, 26, and Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse, who appeared via Zoom for his arraignment, also denied the attempted homicide of a third man, Gaige Grosskreutz, who he is accused of shooting and wounding. His lawyer Mark Williams indicated the not guilty pleas, with Rittenhouse speaking only to confirm that he understood proceedings.

The teenager was sat in his lawyer Williams’ office for Tuesday’s five minute hearing, and wore a face mask throughout. Rittenhouse he traveled from his native Illinois to Wisconsin to provide an armed guard for local businesses amid looting and rioting – claims he opened fire in self-defense.

He was filmed and photographed on the streets toting an AR-15 style-rifle, and was able to leave after the shootings, before driving across a state line to his home in Antioch, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse was quickly identified as the suspected killer, and extradited back to Wisconsin after being arrested.

Rittenhouse is accused of murdering Rosenbaum and Huber two days after 29 year-old Jacob Blake was shot in the back seven times by Kenosha Police.

Blake, who survived his injuries but was left paralyzed, was being arrested for a suspected sexual assault when he was shot.

He struck a plea agreement in November which saw Blake admit disorderly conduct and domestic abuse.

His shooting sparked unrest across Kenosha that saw businesses looted and burned.

Black Lives Matter supporters say Rittenhouse is a trigger-happy white supremacist who traveled to Kenosha with the aim of picking a fight.

Right-wing gun rights groups who back the teenager’s self-defense argument have crowdfunded to pay his $2million bail, as well as his legal fees.

President Trump also appeared to side with Rittenhouse’s claims during a September press conference, telling reporters: ‘That was an interesting situation.

‘You saw the same tape as I saw. And he was trying to get away from them. I guess it looks like he fell and then they very violently attacked him.

‘And it was something that we’re looking at right now, and it’s under investigation. But I guess he was in very big trouble.

‘He would have been — probably would have been killed, but it’s under investigation.’

Rittenhouse is due back in court on March 10 for a pre-trial hearing, with jury selection set to begin by the end of March.

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