Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

Joe Biden snowed in on Air Force One on return to DC as government offices close

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President Joe Biden was snowed in on Air Force One on Monday as a heavy snowfall hit Washington DC, closing schools and federal government offices.

Upon his return from his home state of Delaware, where he celebrated the New Year, Biden was held on Air Force One for half an hour, waiting on airport personnel who were struggling to lift the door of the plane amid heavy snowfall.

The truck hauling the stairs to the plane moved slowly through the thick layer of snow as workers on the ground pushed it through the accumulating snow.

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser had declared a snow emergency Sunday night, which will be in place until 7pm Monday. Amid a heavy snowstorm, many Covid-19 testing and vaccination sites have been shuttered for the day, and hundreds of flights were canceled.

The National Weather Service issued a warning that between 4 and 8 inches of snow could fall between the southern Appalachians through the nation’s capital and into southern New Jersey, with some areas likely seeing 8 to 12 inches. 

As much as 10 inches of snow is expected to hit DC, northern Virginia and central Maryland.

The 79-year-old president walked down the stairs of the plane carefully, with a Secret Service agent following behind him. Agents usually stay a few feet back to keep out of the camera shot, according to the DailyMail.

He returns after a six-day New Year’s holiday break spent in Wilmington, Delaware. The president was originally scheduled to fly on Marine One from Delaware straight to the South Lawn of the White House, but instead took Air Force One to Joint Base Andrews and took the presidential motorcade back to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The White House also canceled Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s first briefing of the new year on Monday, citing weather concerns.

‘Because federal offices in the Washington, DC area are closed, there will be no press briefing today,’ the White House said.

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