Friday, 24 Jan 2025

‘Idiots,’ Preceded by Profanity: Cuomo Aides Bash 3 Female Lawmakers

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ALBANY — A debate over Albany’s ingrained culture of shadowy fund-raising has erupted into open warfare among the state’s Democrats, with three young female lawmakers accusing Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of hypocrisy and pay-to-play tactics, and the governor’s senior adviser in turn calling them “idiots,” preceded by a profanity.

The intraparty hostility exploded just days before the state’s April 1 budget deadline, with lobbyists and special interests racing to ensure that their priorities are included in a spending plan expected to exceed $170 billion.

And it was triggered by, of all things, a push — supported by the Senate, Assembly and the governor — to get big money out of politics.

The flare-up began on Wednesday evening, when the three lawmakers held an impromptu news conference in a Capitol hallway to blast Mr. Cuomo. Senators Alessandra Biaggi and Jessica Ramos, who took office last year by defeating powerful Democratic incumbents, and Assemblywoman Yuh-Line Niou said they were outraged by a New York Times article that detailed a mid-March fund-raiser by the governor where entry for a couple cost $25,000.

The article, published hours before the women’s news conference, described how lobbyists and business executives flocked to the event at the St. Regis Hotel in Manhattan for face time with him as well as his budget director, Robert Mujica, who oversees the entire budget negotiation process.

During the news conference, Ms. Biaggi called the fund-raiser, which was not advertised on the governor’s public schedule, “exactly what we have come to Albany to change.”

“Show me another example at another state where there is a governor, during the budget process, raising $25,000 a ticket,” she said.

For Mr. Cuomo to call for public financing while hosting such events, she added, was “hypocritical.”

“It is impossible to say a $25,000 ticket is not influencing the decisions,” she said.

[Read more about the secretive mid-March fund-raiser for Mr. Cuomo.]

Mr. Cuomo’s office quickly fired back. Richard Azzopardi, a senior adviser to the governor, walked through the Capitol’s press office excoriating the three women as “[expletive] idiots.” When a reporter asked if that comment was on the record, Mr. Azzopardi did not hesitate. “Yeah.”

He pointed out that Ms. Ramos herself had hosted a fund-raiser in Albany on March 6, for between $250 and $5,000 per person. Melissa DeRosa, the governor’s top aide, suggested on Twitter on Thursday that Ms. Biaggi had lied when she said she had not held any fund-raisers during the budget season, sharing an invitation to a fund-raiser for Ms. Biaggi on Feb. 28. Admission ranged from $250 to $2,500.

“Hypocrisy is one thing,” Ms. DeRosa wrote. “Willful lying is another.”

During the news conference, Ms. Ramos acknowledged holding her own fund-raiser, but said she had returned contributions from people whose political beliefs did not align with hers. She also said that she would support a ban on fund-raisers during the budget season, but that she would operate under the current rules until then.

Mr. Cuomo has used similar arguments to defend his fund-raising methods, saying that he would “live within the campaign finance system” until it was changed.

Ms. Biaggi replied to Ms. DeRosa on Twitter by noting that she had not held a fund-raiser in the capital — the February fund-raiser was in New York City — and that she would “never have a fund-raiser during budget.”

Budget season is not clearly defined in Albany: Mr. Cuomo delivered his budget address on Jan. 15, and the budget is due on April 1. In between, both legislative chambers release their own budget proposals and negotiate furiously for their own ends.

The Senate Democrats’ campaign committee has been actively raising money over the past few months, too: On Wednesday, just before the three women’s news conference, the committee sent supporters an invitation to a “spring reception” on April 18. The reception would be hosted by the Senate majority leader, Andrea Stewart-Cousins, and the requested donations ranged from $1,000 to $25,000.

A “labor breakfast” on Mar. 5 had asked for the same amounts, as did a “winter reception” on Jan. 22.

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