Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Holy crow: Acadia University issues warning about ‘aggressive’ birds

University students have a lot to worry about — maintaining a strong GPA, the loud noises coming from the residence room next door, the list goes on.

But students at Acadia University suddenly have one more thing to add to their plate: aggressive crows.

The university issued an internal memo to students and staff on Wednesday regarding the recent rash of reports on crows acting aggressively towards people on campus carrying food.

“Spring is a particularly active time for these birds as they are more hungry after the winter in addition to feeding newly hatched young,” Patrick Difford, the university’s director of safety and security, said in the memo.

“If at all possible please try to refrain from walking on campus with open food.”

The university has also offered some tips on what you do to avoid a face-to-face with a carried-away crow.

“Avoid wearing [shiny] objects, carry an umbrella or wear a hat, and if possible, make eye contact with the crow,” the memo reads. “If a crow does swoop at you wave your hand at the bird and leave the area immediately.

“Crows have excellent memories so change [your] route regularly.”

The university says the most recent reports happened near Seminary House and Fountain Commons.

They are encouraging any and all faculty and staff members to report any negative interactions “right away” to Safety and Security.

At the university’s request, be sure to indicate when and where the incident took place — and, of course, whether there was food involved.

Source: Read Full Article

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