Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Guelph Humane Society reminding owners not to leave pets in cars this summer

With hotter temperatures here, the Guelph Humane Society has issued an annual reminder about the extreme dangers of leaving a pet in a vehicle.

The organization said it usually receives up to 100 calls related to pets left in cars at this time of year.

Even a minimal amount of time in a hot environment can be life-threatening to pets, the Humane Society said in a news release.

“Most pets have a limited ability to sweat,” the organization said. “Dogs cool themselves by panting and releasing heat through their paws, which becomes impossible to do in a space as limiting as a hot car.”

Cars and other vehicles can reach very high temperatures quickly, which could put pets at severe risk and, in some cases, cause death.

The Humane Society is encouraging pet owners to leave animals at home if there is even a small chance a pet will have to wait in a car.

“Keeping pets safe in our community is a top priority for the Guelph Humane Society,” associate director Lisa Veit said.

“With all the information available to the public about the risks to pets in hot vehicles, there really is no excuse for a pet to be left unattended in a life-threatening situation.”

Anyone who sees an animal left in a hot vehicle can report it to the Guelph Humane Society by calling 519-824-3091 and by calling Guelph police.

Excessive panting and drooling along with muscle tremors, lethargy and weakness are some of the life-threatening signs a pet may be suffering from severe heatstroke in a vehicle.

Anyone who is found to have left a pet unattended in a hot vehicle could be charged under the city’s animal control bylaw or the Ontario SPCA Act.

The Guelph Humane Society said it will have zero tolerance for pets in hot cars this summer.

Source: Read Full Article

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