Friday, 5 Jul 2024

Government of Quebec announces subsidies for electric charging stations

The government of Quebec is making it easier for people living in condos and apartments to drive electric vehicles.

Environment Minister Benoit Charette and Energy and Natural Resources Minister Jonatan Julien made the announcement Friday at the electric car show in Quebec City. The ministers explained that the government will subsidize 50 per cent of the cost of installing an electric charging station in multi-dwelling units, up to a maximum of $10,000 per year.

The subsidy program is estimated to cost the government around $4.7 million from now until December 2020.

“We are quite confident that we will be able to reach 100,000 vehicles for 2020, the end of 2020, and one million for 2030 and that means that Quebec is a real leader in Canada [when it comes to] the electrification of transportation,” Minister Charette said.

This weekend the CAQ is holding a general council around the theme of the “green economy.” Charette said by Sunday, the government is expected to make an environmental action plan public.

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