Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Farmers make headway on Saskatchewan harvest, but rain slowing progress

Saskatchewan Agriculture said warm weather and relatively dry weather allowed farmers to get back in the fields, but they are still behind the five-year harvest average for this time of year.

The crop report, released Thursday, said 39 per cent of the 2019 crop is now in the bin, up from 23 per cent on Sept. 19, but well behind the five-year average of 62 per cent.

Furthest along is the southwest region at 58 per cent combined. The west-central region is reporting 46 per cent combined, the southeast region 40 per cent, the northeast region 31 per cent, the northwest region 23 per cent and the east-central region 22 per cent.

Officials said crops have been slow to mature and dry down due to frequent rain.

Eastern portions of the province received heavy rain in the last seven days, which the crop report said would slow down the harvest.

Saskatchewan Agriculture said much of the crop harvested so far is tough and producers are using grain dryers and aeration bins.

Officials also said there are many reports of crops sprouting, bleaching and staining, and downgrading is expected at the elevator.

The majority of fall rye, winter wheat, field peas and lentils is in the bin.

Only 48 per cent of durum, 31 per cent of spring wheat and 17 per cent of canola is in the bin. Officials said another 61 per cent of the canola crop is swathed or ready to straight-cut.

Cropland topsoil moisture is rated at 15 per cent surplus, 79 per cent adequate and six per cent short.

Hayland and pasture topsoil moisture is rated at six per cent surplus, 81 per cent adequate, 12 per cent short and one per cent very short,

The majority of crop damage reported was due to hail, strong winds, lodging and localized flooding, Saskatchewan Agriculture said.

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