Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Falcons nesting atop the Sheraton in Hamilton have chicks

Two peregrine falcons perched atop the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Hamilton have chicks, according to observers from Hamilton Falconwatch.

Pictures on The Hamilton Community Peregrine Project show a glimpse of a couple of small white heads by a ledge where falcon pair Ossie and Lily have been living for about six years.

In a blog post on Tuesday, Falconwatch said they saw one of the chick’s heads when the parents switched spots in the nest around 8 a.m.

Around noon, the mounted camera showed pictures of Lily feeding two chicks.

“Judging by the dry white down on the chicks, it seems likely that the first hatching occurred sometime overnight,” said the post.

Falconwatch spotted the eggs that became the chicks on March 18.

In 2019, Lily and Ossie produced several eggs but gave up in June after they stopped trying to incubate failed eggs, according to Mike Street of Hamilton Falconwatch.

“Normally it takes about 35 days from when the eggs are laid for them to hatch,” Street told Global News in June 2019. “There are no chicks, so, we have to assume she disposed of the lot.”

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