Sunday, 22 Sep 2024

Ex-Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered to return $5.1million profit from Covid memoir

Disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was ordered by a state ethics board to return the $5.1 million he made in profit from his Covid memoir to the state within the next month.

On Tuesday the Joint Commission on Public Ethics decided in a 12-1 vote to direct Cuomo to relinquish the money to the state attorney general’s office. He has 30 days to turn over the proceeds.

Cuomo’s book, American Crisis: Leadership Lessons From the Covid-19 Pandemic, fell under scrutiny after it was revealed it had been written using state resources, including government staff.

The book deal previously gained approval by the ethics board with a requirement that Cuomo write it ‘entirely on his own time, without the use of state resources or personnel.’

He has maintained that government officials and staff who helped him work on the book did so on a volunteer basis.

The book deal also is being investigated by the state’s attorney general’s office, the FBI, and the Brooklyn US Attorney’s Office.

Cuomo’s attorney, Jim McGuire, claimed the board’s actions were illegal, and would be countered.

‘JCOPE’s actions today are unconstitutional, exceed it’s own authority and appear to be driven by political interests rather than the facts and the law,’ said McGuire.

‘Should they seek to enforce this action, we’ll see them in court,’ he added.

The board’s order could be complicated by the fact that Cuomo already donated $500,000 of the book’s proceeds to United Way, a charity in the Capital Region of the state, and placed another $1 million in a trust for his daughters.

Tax returns the ex-governor made publicly available last April indicated he had yet to receive the full $5.1 million that had been part of the contract with his publisher.

The book detailed Cuomo’s early response to the Covid-19 pandemic and reportedly sold over 45,000 copies.

The Crown Publishing Group had stopped promoting Cuomo’s book in March as he faced several scandals, including lowballing the number of Covid deaths in nursing homes, which many feel he did to make himself look better in the book.

In August the governor resigned after an investigation run by the attorney general found he had sexually harassed 11 women in the workplace.

He isn’t the only Cuomo to be recently out of work — the governor’s younger brother, Chris Cuomo, was fired from CNN for his role in helping the governor respond to his sexual misconduct scandal.

Hours after the host of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time was fired, the New York Times reported that new allegations of sexual misconduct that were made against Cuomo by a former colleague at ABC News.

Soon after, the younger Cuomo’s forthcoming book was pulled by HarperCollins Publishers.

This is a breaking news story, check back for updates…

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