Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Elizabeth Warren ends presidential bid

Senator Elizabeth Warren has ended her presidential campaign following disappointing Super Tuesday results.

A favourite of the liberal left, the Massachusetts senator, 70, had been a frontrunner in the Democratic field.

The Democratic contest to take on President Donald Trump in November is now seen as a two-horse race between former Vice-President Joe Biden, 77, and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, 78.

Ms Warren said she needed some time to decide who to support.

Her departure may clear the path for Mr Sanders in particular – the sole progressive candidate left in the race.

Despite early momentum and enthusiasm among her supporters, she failed to attract support from voters in early-polling states.

With Ms Warren’s departure, a Democratic race that began with a record high of female candidates is now effectively left to two male front-runners, who praised her and her campaign.

“One of the hardest parts of this,” Ms Warren said on Thursday, “is all those little girls who are going to have to wait four more years. That’s going to be hard.”

Asked how she had made the decision to drop out, Ms Warren said she returned to the issues that had anchored her campaign – the vast costs of student loan debt, health care, and child care that plague millions of Americans.

“I had to think about where is the best place for me to go to keep fighting those fights,” she said. “My job is to keep fighting and to fight this as smartly and effectively as I can.”

What’s the post-mortem on the Warren campaign?

Now that she has dropped out, post-mortems on Elizabeth Warren’s campaign have begun. Many point to her shifting message on universal government-run healthcare, a topic that was never a top priority for her. It caused liberals to stick with Bernie Sanders and centrists to have their doubts about her.

Others suggest she was harmed by hesitant performances in the debates that mattered – before the Iowa and New Hampshire contests. Her strongest effort came with her vivisection of Michael Bloomberg in Las Vegas, which was buried by Sanders’s win in the Nevada caucuses – and too late to influence the outcome.

Then there’s the issue of sexism. Four years after Democrats chose Hillary Clinton to be their nominee, voters may have been reluctant to opt for another woman atop the ticket. This reluctance was seldom explicit, instead being raised in concerns about “likability” or “electability” and what other, hypothetical, swing-state voters might think of her.

It also sometimes reared its head in Warren’s media coverage, where her healthcare backtracking received considerably more criticism than similar pirouettes and hedging by Pete Buttigieg and other male candidates.

The US will elect its first woman president someday, but it will not be in 2020.

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What does Elizabeth Warren believe in?

The former Harvard law professor vaulted into the political arena more than a decade ago as she pushed for tougher regulation of the financial sector after the 2008 economic collapse.

She championed the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – a government agency that would serve as a Wall Street watchdog.

In 2010, she helped the Obama White House set it up.

Two years later, she rode that momentum to a seat in the US Senate for Massachusetts.

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Though her name was floated as a possible 2016 Democratic nominee, the senator demurred, saying she was not interested in the top job.

This time around, Ms Warren was the first major Democratic candidate to announce her plans for a presidential bid.

Early in the race, her policy-centric approach – “I’ve got a plan for that” was a favourite refrain – seemed effective. In October last year, she led most national polls.

But by December 2019, Ms Warren had been pushed back, hurt by a difficult debate where her rivals hammered her over key policy promises like Medicare for All.

And despite massive investments in early voting states, Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, Ms Warren failed to be a top-two finisher in any – in fact she came third in her home state of Massachusetts on Super Tuesday.

Her exit follows closely behind Pete Buttigieg, Michael Bloomberg and Amy Klobuchar.

So far Mr Biden is leading in the delegate count with 584 compared to Bernie Sanders’ 509.

A candidate needs to secure 1,991 delegates ahead of the party convention in July which will officially choose the nominee to face Mr Trump.

How have her rivals reacted?

Moments after announcing her decision, the Biden and Sanders campaign each issues tweets praising her.

“Without her, the progressive movement would not be nearly as strong as it is today,” tweeted Senator Sanders, adding: “I know that she’ll stay in this fight and we are grateful that she will.”

Mr Biden tweeted that she is “the fiercest of fighters for middle class families”.

“We needed her voice in this race, and we need her continued work in the Senate,” his statement continued.

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