Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Donald Trump confirms he’s had coronavirus test

Donald Trump says he has taken a coronavirus test.

The US leader took the test on Friday night and is still awaiting the results, which should be ready in ‘a day or two.’

He made the admission during a press conference in which he also defended shaking hands with people – in defiance of official medical guidelines.

The White House announced Saturday that it is now conducting temperature checks on anyone who is in close contact with President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

The move is being taken out of an abundance of caution in response to the coronavirus outbreak, said Judd Deere, a White House spokesman.

Trump was asked what his temperature was during a press conference, in which he replied ‘it was totally normal.’

He added: ‘If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t have been here.’

Trump has had multiple direct and indirect contacts with people who have tested positive for the pandemic virus.

On Friday, he declared a state of emergency as schools and workplaces across the country shut down.

Earlier in the week the US announced a travel ban from mainland Europe which was has now been extended to include the UK and Ireland.

Trump spent last weekend at his private club in Florida with at least three people who have now tested positive.

The Brazilian Embassy in Washington announced late Friday that the country’s charge d’affaires, Nestor Forster, tested positive after sitting at Trump’s dinner table.

So, too, have a top aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and an individual who attended a fundraiser Sunday with Trump, according to two Republican officials who spoke on condition of anonymity in order to discuss private health matters.

Trump has been known to flout public health advice and was eagerly shaking hands during an event Friday.

The White House doctor indicated Trump’s interactions were low risk and testing was not necessary.

Trump’s Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau is in self-isolation after his wife tested positive for the virus.

Earlier this week Boris Johnson said he would not be tested despite having attended an event with health minister Nadine Dorries, who has the contagious disease.

The UK prime minister said the PM was following the advice of Public Health England and the chief medical officer that a test was not needed because he was not in close contact.

The US now has more than 2,000 confirmed cases of covid-19 and the Surgeon General, Jerome Adams, said ‘this will get worse before it gets better.’

Some 50 people have died, Mr Trump said.

The UK death toll reached 21 today with more than 1,140 confirmed cases.

Mr Johnson is set to announce a ban on mass gatherings next week amid fears from the World Health Organisation that the UK is not taking enough action.

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