Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

‘Disturbing’ lead contamination in Canadian water

A Canada-wide investigation involving 10 media outlets and nine universities has revealed high levels of lead in the country’s drinking water.

The year-long investigation was conducted by more than 120 journalists in partnership with the Institute for Investigative Journalism.

Some cities showed lead levels higher than those in Flint, Michigan, during its 2015 water crisis.

Canada has the world’s third-largest supply of fresh drinking water.

Investigators collected 12,000 samples from 11 cities from 2014.

One-third of those sampled exceeded the national safety guideline of 5 parts per billion (ppb), while 18% exceeded US limits of 15 ppb.

Reporters also tested the drinking water in older homes in 32 cities across the country, taking samples from residents who volunteered.

Out of 260 sampled, about 39% exceeded the current federal guideline.

Source: Read Full Article

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