Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Coronavirus: Gun-packing Virginians want lockdown axed – but they will have to bite the bullet

Under blue Virginian skies it was like stepping back into pre coronavirus days.

People gathered around the majestic state capitol building – greeting each other with handshakes and back slapping hugs that reveal the guns they’re carrying in belt holsters.

Some are in army fatigues proudly carrying semi-automatic rifles.

As they gathered closely it was like social distancing never happened. They are protesters who want to voice their opposition to Virginia’s stay at home orders.

The restrictions designed to slow the spread of COVID-19 need to end, they say.

Some congregate on the streets – others drive around the capitol building honking horns from cars emblazoned with banners that read “We Are All Essential Workers” and “Virginia Loves Workers”.

Other messages allude to perennial American issues like abortion and gun rights.

This had the feel of many protests I’ve been to in the past.

It’s the same sentiment from people who are always ready to express their distrust in authority and what they see as government overreach.

Most people here are sceptical, if not outright dismissive, of the scientific advice being given by medical experts.

I put it to one man that if asymptomatic people return to work that could increase infection and death in others.

He tells me it was an “interesting”, “mysterious” hypothesis.

For many it’s all just more lies from the media – designed to strip away people’s rights.

There were perhaps hundreds in attendance while millions stayed at home.

Source: Read Full Article

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