Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Canadian Blood Services needs donors amid coronavirus pandemic

Canadian Blood Services has had to change how it operates.

While there was a spike in donations when the coronavirus pandemic started, there has been a recent drop-off despite the ongoing need.

“It’s just become a regular part of my routine,” said Jason Christie, who says he made his 37th blood donation this week.

He started giving blood when he was in high school.

“I definitely feel now is as good of a time as ever to keep consistent with what I’ve been doing,” said Christie.

The Peterborough paramedic sees the importance of blood donations first-hand on a daily basis. He’s been on the job for eight years.


“I think if I was unfortunate to be in that circumstance that I hope that there is blood available for me when I need it,” said Christie.

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Marlene Dear says she’s been donating for years.

After a spike in donations, they’ve levelled off.

“This weekend alone we need about 150 donors to come in,” said Mathieu.

Canadian Blood Services in Oshawa says it needs close to 400 donors a week.

They’ve increased their hours to help meet the demand but as elective surgeries open, more blood will be required.

“Someone fighting leukemia, pandemic or not, they may need up to eight donors a week for treatment. People are still in need of blood every day,” said Mathieu.

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