Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Canada’s Trudeau ‘in 2001 brownface photo’

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wore “brownface” at a private school gala nearly two decades ago, a photo obtained by Time Magazine suggests.

Zita Astravas, spokeswoman for Mr Trudeau’s Liberal Party, confirmed in Time’s report he was in the image.

The 2001 yearbook picture apparently shows Mr Trudeau with skin-darkening make-up on his face and hands at the West Point Grey Academy in Vancouver.

The prime minister is battling for re-election on 21 October.

Mr Trudeau, who is the son of late former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, used to teach at the elite academy.

Ms Astravas told Time that he was dressed in the photo as a character from Aladdin at an Arabian Nights-themed gala.

The image is politically embarrassing for the prime minister because he has made progressive policies a signature issue.

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