Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Arnold Schwarzenegger tells President Trump he is 'terminated'

WASHINGTON (BLOOMBERG) – Arnold Schwarzenegger offered his trademark parting message to Donald Trump after last week’s storming of the US Capitol by the president’s supporters: “You are terminated, Mr. President,” Mr Schwarzenegger told Germany’s Bild am Sonntag newspaper.

The former California governor and Hollywood action star, a native of Austria, said the scenes from the Capitol saddened him.

“That’s not our America. That’s not my America,” he said.

Mr Schwarzenegger, a Republican, wrote a piece for the Economist the day before last week’s tumult, saying Mr Trump needed to end his “stupid, crazy and evil” ploy to cling to power.

He told Bild am Sonntag that he had spent time with Mr Trump, but never seen him acting as he recently has been.

The United States, the “wonderful” country he fell in love with in the 1960s, will survive this period of turmoil thanks to its strength and perseverance, Mr Schwarzenegger said.

It always manages to get up again, “like a phoenix from the ashes”, he added.

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