Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney tours flooded Fort McMurray, offers support

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney toured Fort McMurray Monday to assess the flood damage.

Kenney and Environment Minister Jason Nixon arrived in Fort McMurray Monday night. Kenney said they flew over the city to see the impact of the flooding.

“It’s very significant,” he said in a video posted on Facebook Monday night.

“We will provide all resources that are necessary. … We will be there. We will be obviously supporting the community both in the emergency phase and the rebuild phase.”

The water levels started to rise over the weekend as spring ice breakup on the Athabasca and Clearwater rivers led to flooding and the complete closure of the city’s downtown core.

Just before 7:30 p.m. Monday, the entire lower townsite of Fort McMurray was placed on mandatory evacuation order, with the exception of the Northern Lights Regional Health Centre and Grayling Terrace. Sandbagging was underway Monday night to protect the hospital from flooding.

Later Monday night, Grayling Terrace was put on voluntary evacuation notice, not because of flooding but because ATCO planned to turn off the gas to the neighbourhood Tuesday morning. An update on the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo’s website said the gas was shut off for safety reasons and residents who stay will not have access to heat or hot water.

Grayling Terrace evacuees who require accommodation or immediate support are asked to report to the Oil Sands Discovery Centre at 515 MacKenzie Blvd. to register as evacuees, the municipality said. Evacuees who don’t need accommodations are not required to check-in, it added.

Because of restrictions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the reception centres are drive-thrus. Volunteers are wearing masks and providing evacuees with hotels or other lodging options.

By Monday night, about 5,000 people had registered at the two reception centres, and the municipality said that number is expected to grow because about 12,000 people live in the areas being evacuated.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said Monday the federal government was aware of the situation and was looking for ways to help.

For the latest information on the evacuation orders and for more information, visit the RMWB’s website.

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