Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Avoid The Festive Season Financial Hangover!

It’s that time of the year again when we are bombarded with messages enticing us to spend money, and the heat is on in terms of spoiling those nearest and dearest to us. So much expectation is created around this season – entertaining, socialising, gifting and more. While it’s a wonderful time to connect with family and friends, it’s also a very easy time to fall into the trap of over-spending, leaving a financial hangover to deal with as you enter the new year.

So what can one do to avoid this trap? A few tips to consider:

Don’t let the festive season leave you feeling like you have spent all your time fighting through crowds of shoppers and spending money like water. It’s a time to relax with loved ones and friends. Plan your shopping and make sure that it’s an enjoyable and stress free time of year. 

Most of all, ensure that you will not have any nasty financial surprises waiting for you as you go into 2020.  The new year will bring new challenges, as it always does, and the festive season of 2019 will be a feint memory. A good one, hopefully, but also one that doesn’t leave you with a massive bag of financial baggage that you need to drag with you into the new year! 

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