Saturday, 15 Feb 2025

Welcome to Hauntington: Girl, 7, gets town to change its name for Halloween

Angelica Dee Cunningham was all smiles after learning that Huntington in Long Island, New York, was making the one-day change on Wednesday, US media reported.

The town council unanimously approved the switch last week after receiving a hand-written letter from Angelica.

Angelica said the name had been inspired by her Monster High doll named Ari Hauntington.

She then came up with the idea of changing the town name during a car journey with her parents, who encouraged her to write to town officials with the suggestion.

Angelica sent a note explaining the temporary name change but she did not think officials would take the suggestion seriously.

But town supervisor Chad Lupinacci said he loved the idea and expects to use the moniker for years to come.

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