Tuesday, 11 Feb 2025

TTC says it’s working on fix for increased Line 2 subway noise, vibration after complaints

The Toronto Transit Commission says it’s working on a fix to several of its Line 2 Bloor-Danforth subway trains after a noticeable increase in complaints from riders and nearby residents about excessive noise and vibrations.

“Our neighbours along Line 2 have rightly raised concerns about loud trains passing below their homes, causing significant vibrations. The cause is wheel flats,” TTC spokesperson Brad Ross tweeted Monday evening.

— Brad Ross (@bradTTC) October 29, 2018

The TTC said in an update posted on its website that staff are noticing more flat spots on the wheels of its trains on Line 2.

Staff said special monitoring devices check wheels for issues and determine which ones are in need of work, a process called “truing.” For wheels that require maintenance, a machine makes the necessary fixes to return the wheels to their original specifications, which minimizes noise and vibrations.

The response comes after residents have reported problems with vibration and noise and asked the TTC on social media about the increase in these issues.

“What’s up with the increased subway noise/vibration on Line 2? In the last two months it’s gotten WAY worse. Major wheel flats on the car I was on today (5337) and others,” James Reynolds tweeted to the TTC’s customer service account, @TTChelps.

Caitlyn McDonald said on Twitter that she lives by Line 2 and noted the issues have become more prevalent.

“I live over the TTC subway tracks and normally don’t notice it but today it’s been a lot louder and more vibrant. It’s not a problem I’m just curious if there’s a reason,” McDonald tweeted.

Chris Kemp tweeted at the TTC, saying he noticed the vibrations on the train “enough that you can feel it in the floor.”

“@TTChelps East bound (sic) subway on Line 2, car 5136 (or adjacent) is making loud unusual pulsing/thumping noises at all speeds. Especially noticeable while braking or at low speed,” he wrote.

The transit agency is ramping up its efforts to address noise and vibration issues.

“With the recent spike in wheel flats and the need to maintain daily subway service, some trains will need to operate with one unit (car) that has a flat,” the update said.

“Operations personnel are working at full capacity at both Greenwood and Wilson subway yards to address this matter.”

TTC staff said people will notice “gradual improvement” over the next few weeks.

Meanwhile, crews are working to determine what exactly is causing the increase in wheel flats.

“As subway noise and vibration can also be related to the condition of the track, staff will continue to investigate and assess the condition of the rail and schedule identified repairs in an effort to resolve the noise issue as soon as possible in combination with the ongoing wheel flat repairs,” the statement said.

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