Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Coronavirus: Jasper National Park asks visitors to continue to stay away as Kenney announces relaunch plans

On the same day Premier Jason Kenney announced Alberta’s post-COVID-19 reopen strategy could launch as early as May 14, the Municipality of Jasper is asking visitors to not return to the park until after that.

In a notice posted on its website Thursday, the community asked visitors to not plan leisure trips to the park until after June 1.

“Our small hospital and its dedicated staff will be extremely challenged to provide the necessary services to our residents should the pandemic spread further through our rural community,” the municipality said.

Parks Canada temporarily suspended all visitor motor vehicle access to all national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas on March 25. All visitor parking sites and associated services were closed at that time.

According to the statement, police are monitoring vehicle traffic in town, at local trailheads and other points of interest.

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“Clear signage is in place to indicate that only essential services are available in Jasper. Information check stops are not in place at this time, but will be implemented if they become necessary,” director of emergency management Greg Van Tighem said.

Mayor Richard Ireland said visitors will play a large part in helping Jasper’s economy rebuild, but now is not the time.

“We are getting together as a community to ensure that can be accomplished safely in the future, but for now, for your sake and our own, everyone should just stay home.”

On Thursday afternoon, Kenney announced Alberta’s three-stage relaunch plan. While part of that plan is to allow provincial parks to reopen on Friday, Jasper National Park and Banff National Park fall under federal jurisdiction.

Source: Read Full Article

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